2005-09-14 at 1:02 p.m.

For the first time it what seems like ages I catch a break. My ex girlfriend just up and gives me a car. It�s an old piece of crap but if I�ll cough up the few hundred dollars to get it running in legal its mine all mine.
So I fork out the money that I can�t really afford to spare, and start my new life as a motorist. Now that I have a car I quit my job to get a better paying one 40 miles away. Things are good and the sun has finally decided to shine my way.
That�s how I felt for approximately 3 days until I�m driving down the road and my car explodes. Perhaps you think the last sentence was sarcasm, to clear this up I�ll go into more detail. Massive flames start shooting out of the hood and smoke fills the cab. I pull into a ditch were I discover that for some reason now the window wont roll more than half way down, and the door wont open at all. So I squeeze my fat ass out a half rolled down car window and run like hell.
Eventually the cops arrive and I damn near have to drag them away from the car just before the gas tanks explodes. No matter how many times I informed them there was no one in the car the continued to try and get themselves blown up by peeking through the windows. Then they run my ID and find out I�m a felon and start being total ass holes and accusing me of arson.
If there are any Christians that read this stuff I would be highly interested in how you could hear this story and not know for a fact that god absolutely, positively, hates me.

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