mechanical animals
2005-10-14 at 8:39 p.m.

I�ve been fucking with HTML a lot lately. That shit is like learning another language

I�ve been thinking a lot about and idea I saw expressed in this movie I watch a lot, called the waking life. They talk about how the time gap between each major evolution in life is growing exponentially smaller. First life , then billions of years later animals, 65 million years later primates, then a few million years later we have homo sapiens. Its getting to the point were evolutional leaps should be happening in terms of thousands of years instead of millions.

I�m starting to think the next great revolution isn�t going to be not so much a biological one as perhaps a social one. I�m talking specifically about electronic media here. Look at this damn myspace for example. Its as if we have all been plugged in at the mind, but not directly. Our appearances still go through a filter of veneers, and air brushings. Or profiles have come to replace first impressions and what about instant messenger? Yesterday I was talking to someone and they typed something funny. So I typed hahahahah. My face didn�t change at all, but I still found it funny. Its like my body had found a new way of expressing that emotion and I no longer needed laughter.

Idk this shit freaks me out.

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